Wednesday, June 24, 2009

How to Travel with Your Pet - As Seen on FOX News

As Seen on FOX News By Paul Eisenberg...

Apricot had never been to Hawaii.

But like anyone, man or beast, who has ever visited the islands, the poodle sensed there was something very special about the place the moment his plane landed.

In this case, that special something was that he wasn’t supposed to be there.

Turns out the airline messed up and Apricot was never loaded onto a nonstop flight from Miami to New York’s JFK Airport, where his anguished owner, writer and lifetime traveler Lea Lane watched the luggage carousel lazily spin without her dog. Hours passed until a 3 a.m. phone call alerted her that the poodle was back in New York after the Hawaii detour. Once home, Apricot stared blankly and wouldn’t respond for hours. Lane never put him on a plane again.

This horror story took place about 25 years ago, and while airlines are more accountable today for the handling and tracking of pets checked as baggage or cargo, stuff still happens, and there’s a lot you can do to ensure your pet has a safer and happier experience if you decide to travel together.

Read the FULL Article at:,2933,528545,00.html

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