Saturday, February 10, 2007

I Am Constantly Being Asked... What is a Schnoodle?

Schnoodles are a cross between a Schnauzer and a Poodle. They vary in size, depending on the size of the parents, from Miniatures maturing between 10 and 15 pounds, to Standards maturing up to 60 pounds!

The most popular size is the Mini Schnoodle. They are very good with children, quite tolerant of alot of rough-housing. On a range of 1-10, 10 being the most active (like a Jack Russel Terrier!), they will generally fall in the range of 4-7. Most have a soft and fluffy coat, which is non-shedding, and quite well tolerated by most people with allergies. Some Schnoodles have a harsher, more terrier type coat, which sheds some while the pup is young, but sheds very little when the dog matures. Coat type is evident by about 5 weeks of age. Coat colors are quite varied - solids like black, silver, white, tan, apricot, sables (a mixture of gold and black), and parti's too - black and white like holstein cows. Phantoms are also quite common - that's black and apricot like the color of doberman pinschers. Schnoodles are quite intelligent and easily trained. They have a more active nature, like terriers, but do enjoy settling down while you read a book or watch TV.

Have Schnoodle Questions?


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